Safeguarding Week: How co-production with tenants is beneficial

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As part of Safeguarding Adults Week, we are raising awareness of the measures we should all take to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and we work with our supported living tenants to deliver the right level of support they need through co-production.

Co-production is a collaborative approach. It means involving those who receive support, along with their family, friends and carers, in the planning and delivering of that support.

It is important to us that we hear the voices of those who are at the centre of the support. It’s about respecting their views, wishes and beliefs in order to make their support the best it can be.

One of our supported living tenants, Caitlin, was involved with her choice about her care and her home in Leyland, Lancashire: “Before I moved in, I visited three times to meet the other people who lived here, and the support staff. I felt I had a lot of support”.

Caitlin has praised the help she receives from her support team which has enabled her to live more independently and make her own choices. “I’ve had more independence since I moved here. I feel more like an adult than ‘baby-sitted’,” she says.

You can watch Caitlin’s video here:

How do our support providers implement co-production?

Our support providers will consult with tenants at all stages of care planning.

This includes organising regular reviews with the tenant, and regularly checking in to see if they are still happy with their model of support.

Tenants are encouraged to take part in planning meetings, best interests meetings, and to be present during the decision-making processes.

Co-production enables supported living tenants to have more control over their own lives. This may make them more likely to disclose things that concern them. They may also be more likely to report any ill treatment they receive.

We have produced an Easy Read leaflet for our tenants which explains what co-production is - read it here